Feeling grumpy, emotional, unproductive?
Suffering brain fog?
Sugar and caffeine cravings?
Sounds like you need higher quantity and higher quality sleep!
Studies have shown that inadequate sleep can contribute towards an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes, depression, obesity, hormonal issues and heart disease. Lack of sleep can also suppress your immune function, negatively affect the balance of your bacteria in the digestive system and increase inflammation.
Enough of the bad news, lets look at what you can do to improve your quality of sleep.
- RELAX, CHILL OUT! Easier said than done right? One of the biggest contributors to sleep problems is stress. Often people tend to think about life stressors instead of closing their eyes when they head to bed. Try journaling, relaxing music, essential oils, meditation, herbal teas (such as lavender, chamomile and spearmint) and reading. Mindfulness therapy studies have shown significant reductions in insomnia symptoms, improvements in sleep quality and sleep efficiency.
- AVOID STIMULANTS Stimulants will cause alertness and encourage wakefulness. Avoid stimulants such as coffee, chocolate, sugar, nicotine after 2pm. Removing carbohydrate rich foods such as pasta, rice, bread, sweets and fruit from dinner can be helpful.
- REDUCE SCREENTIME Avoiding TV, computer or phones one hour before bed is ideal. Blue light from electronic devices stops melatonin from being released and stimulates the wakefulness chemical – cortisol. I like Baxter Blue glasses, these can be worn at night to block the blue light. Melatonin is made through our eyes when it is dark. The colours red and orange (like that of dim lights, candle light or a salt lamp) help stimulate melatonin (the sleepy hormone!)
- SUPPLEMENTS such as magnesium, theanine, GABA, glycine and herbal medicines such as passionflower, kava, magnolia and Zizyphus can be game changing! However, it is best to consult a practitioner for an individualised treatment plan and correct dosages.
Have done all of that and it’s still not working? A variety of things can be underlying and can be causing the reason for your sleep problems this can include prolonged stress in life, cortisol imbalances, hormonal imbalances, gut health and more! If you’re not sure where to start, our team here at HealthGuard Wellness are here to help! Get in touch today!
To your thriving health!
Taylah Tescher, Naturopath
Get to know Taylah
“Through the use of evidence-based medicines derived from nature and
implementation of healthy lifestyle practices,
we are able to support the body’s own innate ability to heal itself.
This leads to more sustainable and long-term health outcomes.”
Taylah’s passions are natural health, family, good food and her dog Ruby!
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Oct 15, 2020 at 6:21 AM
Great suggestions Taylah. I love a nice shower, some lavender oil on my pillow, a good book for half an hour and it is then dream-time for me. I think the magnesium you suggested to me has made a difference as well.