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Meet Dr Steve Osborne, Chiropractor

Dr Steve photoAs a chiropractor in Toowoomba I derive great pleasure and reward in seeing improvement in people’s health and well-being way beyond what I could have imagined was possible.

Daily I see the lives of people changed– not just being free of pain and more comfortable, but being happier, more relaxed, sleeping better and generally more energetic in response to a nervous system that is functioning better. Patients often find that they also deal with stress and difficult situations much more easily. The more I see this, the more I wonder at the amazing ability of the human body to heal and be well.

Chiropractic Education

My name is Stephen Osborne and I was born and educated in Levin, New Zealand. I undertook my chiropractic studies at RMIT University in Melbourne graduating in 1998.

We then moved to Toowoomba to establish our family in this caring, family oriented community and can confirm its reputation as a great place to raise a family and educate children. We have transitioned into the next phase of our lives becoming grandparents in 2009.

  • NET Certified Practitioner (since 2002)

As a chiropractor I have great confidence in how I practice, and I am always seeking to improve this through learning new techniques and further developing those I already use, especially the NET (Neuro Emotional Technique) in which I became a Certified Practitioner in 2002.

Full Service Care

We have established a very busy practice providing chiropractic care and NET mind-body stress relief along with a comprehensive range of homeopathic, nutritional and other support products including the Foot Levelers Spinal Stabilising Orthotics.


Outside the Office

I have enjoyed being involved in the Hands-On-Health support for the Black Saturday 2009 Victorian Bushfire victims by providing professional stress relief therapy through NET on several occasions in Flowerdale, Whittlesea, and Kilmore and also provided similar assistance to the victims of the floods in South-east Queensland. I have also been involved in the organisation and running of the HEAL Christchurch events held in Christchurch, New Zealand in March 2012 and November 2013 to assist the community in the recovery from the devastating earthquakes of 2010 and 2011, assisting over 1500 people with the two events.

I enjoy traveling with my family and discovering new foods, new customs and new landscapes both in Australia and overseas. We enjoy meeting people from all walks of life and making enduring friendships.

Chiropractic & the Body’s Ability to be Healthy

Chiropractic promotes the body’s ability to respond appropriately to the physical, emotional and chemical stresses of life and maintain health by restoring balance to the nervous system and thereby to the whole body.

I would like to extend to you a warm invitation to experience the benefits of 21st Century Chiropractic care in our “high tech, high touch” practice and my personal promise to you is that our caring team will always seek to give you the very best care we can.

Give our office a call and let us care for you.

Dr Steve Osborne | (07) 4636 3434