Travel tips to reduce aches and pains and make the most of your time away!

“Sitting increases the pressure on your lower back, especially if your posture is poor” – Dr James
Easter is fast approaching and many of you will be taking to the roads to make the most of the long weekend. Sitting for hours on end in the car can cause aches and pains that hinder your hard earned time away so take note of these simple tips.
Sitting increases the pressure on your lower back, especially if your posture is poor. Rolling up a t-shirt or a towel and placing it behind your lower back helps to maintain the natural lumbar curve. Keep your posture upright with your head against the headrest to reduce neck tension by having your head too far forward.
Sitting still for long periods of time is your spine’s least favourite thing to do. Moving your spine regularly can help reduce pain and also provides stimulation to your brain, keeping you alert on the road and reducing the risk of an accident. Make sure you take regular stops to get out of the car and move. You can simply get out of the car (at a safe place of course) tilt your head to each side 10 times, turn your head to each side 10 times and flex and extend your neck forward and backward 10 times, then do the same with your lower back.
Chiropractic adjustments can help to keep your spine moving properly, reduce tension in your nervous system and manage pain so keep your appointment with your chiropractor before you hit the road, especially if you are prone to pain.
To Your Greatest Health!
Dr James MacKay
Get to know Dr James:
” With the desire to dedicate myself to a career that would be fulfilling each and every day, I chose Chiropractic. Chiropractic is about helping your body run at its best so you can heal and deal with everything life throws at you.”
Dr James’ passions are Chiropractic, motorbikes, power lifting and most importantly, food!